| casulo anónimo |

Portuguese for “anonymous cocoon”

Created by: Barbara Ramos and Nana

Premiere: OPEN HOUSE PORTO at Casa da Architectura. 2, 3 July 2022 (Porto, Portugal)

As both an installation and performance, the audience is free to enter in and out of 2 hour durational performance which serves as an atmospheric experience and surrealist landscape that entails 3 creatures existing in a cocoon-nest. The audience witness the creatures enduring their natural cycles that are continuously repeated throughout the piece. Influenced by animals that create nests, such as spiders, we understand that they are weavers, makers, and protectors all at once, which is similar to the history and ancestry of womxn as divine weavers, makers, and protectors.

The nesting scene, monotonous and meditative actions by the performers, and industrial ambient music create a desolate terrain that represent the reckoning of how humans may need to evolve in order to survive the effects of their actions in history thus far, such as global climate change.

Credits: Performance by Lucia Nordhoff, Barbara Ramos, Nana. Original music composition by Artik/VCO. Support from Comphania Instavel and Casa da Architectura. Photography by ITS – Ivo Tavares Studio



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